Svalbard Safari.

We have created safari sailing escapades to show you as much as possible in the shortest possible time. Safari – these are short cruises after which you would want more – just right for the first time!

Spitsbergen is a very unusual place. It is definitely the most exotic piece of Europe. Most people fall in love with this region, but very few are not delighted with the closeness to nature – so before you start exploring the far north, check if the Arctic is for you.
Feel invited to a week-long cruise where you will feel like an explorer. Awareness that the number of bears exceeds the number of people living here, communing with the region rich in glaciers, walruses, mountains, polar stations, air purity and wildness of the region make you feel like an explorer and find out if you want to come back here for longer 😉

In Short:

  • you are sailing a well-prepared for sailing insulated yacht with specially prepared heating with a captain with extensive arctic experience
  • you are not just a tourist – you are part of the crew
  • All time- if you want to learn about sailing or Svalbard we are happy share our knowledge
  • you will see several glaciers
  • you will visit one of the polar stations
  • you have the opportunity to see walruses, reindeer, seals, arctic foxes and with a bit of luck belugas and bears
  • you will take part in trekking, you will get to know the interior
  • you will see the coal mines


  •  29.06-06.07.2024
  • 05-12.08.2024


  • €1099/pp (bunk)
  • €320/pp (food/ fuel/ ports) 
  • €50- €75- insurance
  • + flights 


  • 5% repater clients
  • Groups: (2pers: -3,4%,  3persoons: 7%, 4persons: 10%)


This is one of the sailing possibilities. Always we are choosing the accurate route according :

  • your wish / needs 
  • the actual weather/ ice conditions
  • the all guest preparation
  • the amount of crew onboard (you can choose to sail with a helmsman only or a helmsman & a guide)


Day 1
sail:4h(20-25NM), Trekk: 2h,
Long -Year-Byen

Check in, Provisioning, Safety Briefing

Sailing to Tryghamna or Ymerbukta, 

1st Glacier Visit

Short (2h) trekking

Night On Anchor or in Barentsburg;-)

Day 2
Sail:6h(35NM), Trekk: 4h
Prins Karl Forland

Sailing to Prins Karl Forland- Wlarus watching,

Sailing 1-2h north- Trekking on the Island- with many hills worth to climb for view. Staying anchor on during night or sailing to Ny Alesund

Day 3
Sail:6h [15-35NM]
Ny Alesund

Sailing To Ny Alesund- if you will decide to take onboard the Guide- than we will organize a trekking from Engelskbukta to Ny Alesund;).  Visiting the Ny-Ålesund Science Managers Committee (NySMAC) most northern Bar.

Day 4
Sail:6h [15-35NM]

Visit The Blomstrandbreen Glacier or even Monaco Glacier You are the decision makers;-)

Day 5
Sail:6h [35NM], Trekk 3h

Sailing to Kaffiora- visit in Polar base, trekking to Glacier Avatsmarkbreen

Day 6
Sail:6h [35NM] walk incity

Sailing to Barentsburg, visiting the miners City

Day 7
Sail:6h [35NM], trekk up to 6h
Sailing to Barentsburg, visiting the City

Sailing to Colesbukta (trekking) back to Longyearbyen, Night in Longyearbyen

Day 8
Check out

Check out. Possible stay coupple days longer & arrange private trekk if you'd like to;-)

What awaits you?

