Arctic Safari
seaon 2024: FEB
A cruise for everyone who is curious about the Arctic winter in the far north. During the cruise, we will try to serve all the elements accompanying the winter weather on a platter:
What’s more? We can modify the cruise depending on the crew’s wishes and enrich it with:
in price:
Additional cost (paid onboard)
Arrival, provisions, transfer to the yacht - depending on our needs, the yacht may be waiting for us in Tromso or in one of the ports closer to ski touring places - there will be a car on site - we can use it!
We are sailing to Finsnes - we can organize several stops along the way - there is a port with access to icefalls or a small marina on the route - we will visit some of them so as not to tire you out with the sailing 😉
In the evenings we definitely use the illuminated slopes!
We sail to Harstad - on the way we stop in Engenes, in the evening we use the ski lifts in Harstad.
Depending on your expectations, we can look for a whale, return to skiing in Finsness, plan a trek starting from one of Senja's ports, or sail to phenomenal fishing ports.
Finish of sailing
The map contains only one of the options for implementing the cruise plan. The actual route depends on the weather conditions prevailing in the water area at a given time. The amount of time spent at sea depends on the willingness of the entire crew to sail, and the captain is responsible for safety - therefore, he makes the final decision on which route to choose.
This time we are taking on board skiers looking for well-prepared slopes and those who would like to try skiing. We have the chance to visit Alpinpark in Tromso, Sollia in Harstad and Sandviklia Alpine in Finsness.
It’s great if you bring your own equipment – but you can also rent skis on site.
We do not plan any ski touring escapades on this cruise.
We know places here where icefalls form, we know about tiny ports where at night between the houses it is easier to spot a reindeer than a car traveling along the local roads;-) All this creates a fairy-tale atmosphere.
In winter, you can’t climb high – that’s why it’s not worth going to the Lofoten Islands – it’s definitely better to find interesting hills – easy to climb and providing wonderful views.
Try your hand at fishing, it’s a great place and time 😉 ki.
There is always a chance of seeing the aurora borealis – but this month we may have to rent a car and move away from the coast!
There is a good chance of seeing a whale – but we need good weather – at Andeness, where they stay, the sea can be wavy at this time of year. Please note that sailing to Andenes will extend your sailing time – if that doesn’t bother you – great!
There will be plenty of seaside sailing. The Andenes-Tromso stage will take us almost 24 hours – but we can divide it into 2 parts!